The Wishing Cranes is an award winning Ringling College thesis film co-directed by Seth Anderholm, Kaiya Telle and Ellen Arnold, Production Managed by Lara Arikan.
Wishing Cranes is an three and a half minute long 3D animated short film about Yuki and Sho, two orphan siblings living in Japan in the 1960s. Sho is a responsible brother and a hardworking paper boy, Yuki, his younger sister simply wishes she could spend more time as a family.
Kaiya, Ellen and Seth are responsible for all I.P. and creative assets. Lara has contributed strictly in a production level;
- creating and managing budget,
- communicating with additional talent such as Composers and Sound Designers,
- drawing up contracts,
- creating our strategy for out Kickstarter funding, including writing the script and editing the _Kickstarter video together.
- connecting with music licensing professionals,
- communicating with voice talent and booking studio space for recoding sessions,
- arranging team meetings.
Here you can see the video as well as the funding history of our Kickstarter ! Responsible for:
- creating the strategy of the campaign
- writing the script and editing the campaign video
- as well as behind the scenes work regarding rewards and follow up updates about the project.

It was fantastic to see that we reached our goal in less than a day!
"It was such a pleasure to work with everyone on this film. Thank you to Nick Jones (Sound Design), Ben Bromfield (Soundtrack) and Seth Anderholm, Ellen Arnold and Kaiya Telle!" -Lara